Welcome to NaNoWriMo

What? You haven’t heard of NaNoWriMo? And what’s with the weird caps distribution?  NaNoWriMo stands for National Novel Writing Month.  It’s an insane endeavor to write 50,000 words in a 30 day month in that novel you’ve always said you’re going to write.  That’s just 1,667 words a day… if you break it down into bite-sized pieces, it seems more feasible.  There’s no editing during this month, just write, write, write. 

Unless you’re writing for younger readers, 50,000 isn’t a full novel.  But it’s a start, and it’s proof that you can do it.  They even have a Young Writers Program for kids who want to participate, with goals set to appropriate levels. 

I have only completed NaNoWriMo once.  No, you can’t read it, it definitely needs re-writing.  I was working part-time and barely managed it, what with everything else I had going on at the time.  Yet here I am, poised for the start of November, ready to try again while working full-time, parenting, attending karate classes, and helping to run a convention.

I have a new story idea, minimal prep behind it, and an exercise bike specifically designed to hold a laptop.  With the temperature dropping, I don’t expect to get outside much for Pokémon Go or Wizards Unite, so I’d best make good use of my bike time for writing. 

Will I succeed? I honestly have no idea. But if I don’t try, I have no chance of success at all.