Thoughts on A Fading Sun

Every so often, I receive a fabulous book to review that clearly expects a sequel. And, if I’m lucky (which I have been repeatedly, as the editor watches for sequels), I receive the next book to review a while down the line.  That’s what happened with A Fading Sun by Stephen Leigh.  I reviewed it last year for Booklist, and had noticed it on my list recently and wondered if the sequel had been published.

Lo and behold, the sequel, A Rising Moon, appeared in my mailbox.  If you have time before November, I recommend reading the first book before the second one is released.  What follows is the review I submitted last year:

The Cateni are a conquered people, hiding their traditions since the Mundoan Empire overran their land three generations ago. This is easier said than done for Voada Paorach, who sees ghosts and helps them follow the sun-path to the afterlife. She successfully hides her ability well into her adult life until the death of someone close forces her to reveal it. Cast out of her home and torn from her family, a ghost, Moonshadow, who fought against the original Mundoan invasion, leads Voada to Onglse, where the Cateni still openly rebel against the Mundoans. Commander Altan Savas has been sent to lead Emperor Pashtuk’s army in Albann; he reluctantly leads the oppressing army to what he expects, at best, to be a Pyrrhic victory on Onglse.  Voada and Moonshadow move that battle to mainland Albann, where Altan is forced to follow in an attempt to salvage the Mundoan Empire’s hold over this conquered land. Readers will detect a resemblance to Ireland, Scotland, and England during the Roman era. Adults and teens who enjoy this story will eagerly anticipate the sequel.