The Quest (calendar) continues… part 7

Continuing from part 6, Faris is still at a deserted church, hoping the large spiders were the worst thing she’d have to deal with.

I explored further, finding the door to a crypt and a collection of statues. Recognizing the flame from the book on the altar, I selected that one and set it on the pressure plate below them, which opened the door. I tried to be careful in the cold, dark hallway, but I felt the floor shift under me as I triggered a trap. I drove through the tunnel as an arrow grazed me, several others thwapping through where I had been moments before.

I crept carefully into the next room, then made the mistake of picking up a magical cup. I shoved it in my pack quickly, before it could drain any of my energy. I opened a pair of tombs in the next chamber, hoping for gold, and was attacked by two skeletons. The next room was blissfully free of surprise, a mere hallway with statues.

Finally, at the end of the maze of rooms and corridors, I reached the tombs, apparently of West Haven’s founders. There was more black ooze, like I had seen on the bell, and one of the tombs was slightly open. I paused to drink another healing potion, knowing the route out could be just as dangerous as the route in had been.

That was a fortunate choice. As I turned to leave, the tombs slid open and four black-slime encased figures clambered out. I destroyed two of them easily, but the others got close enough to claw and bite me. It’s awfully strange when a skeleton bites, you can see all the teeth clearly as they latch on. With all of them dead – again – I checked their corpses, finding a beautiful broach. As I was about to leave, I noticed a glowing ring on one of the corpses. I cleaned off the slime and slid it onto my finger for safekeeping.

There were noises coming from the hallway: shuffling feet, clanging weapons, and incoherent groaning. It sounded like more than I could handle on my own, so I booked it out of the crypt, slamming the door behind me, and kept going until I was outside. Having spent the entire night in the church, I booked myself a bed at the inn again to catch up on sleep.

After some rest, I reported back to Rufus on the dangers inside the church. He decided to send in some knights and a cleric, and paid me the agreed-upon amount for the job and the one person I had rescued. He also let me know that Victor Fellmont wanted to meet with me.