The Five Doctors, with running commentary

I’m not a bit fan of talking during movies, especially at theaters where it might disturb other people.  When you’re already paying someone else to provide a running commentary, it suddenly becomes appropriate.

I somehow missed the Mystery Science Theater 3000 (MST3K) Kickstarter back in 2015, which brought the show back with 14 new episodes.  Having grown up* on Doctor Who, I was excited to learn about a RiffTrax Live event for “The Five Doctors,” a 1983 special that brought together the first five regenerations and some of his companions.  Without commentary, “The Five Doctors” is the epitome of classic Doctor Who – campy effects, BBC set budget, interesting costume choices (“Snuffleupagus pelt”), and some fairly obvious plot twists.

With commentary, you can still enjoy all those things – though some of the original dialogue becomes lost – and appreciate mocking yet another timeless classic.  (It also allows you to appreciate just how far Doctor Who – and the BBC’s budget – has come.).  But first, we were subjected to a British safety video from the era, with commentary, of course.  Rest assured that nobody who watched it will play anywhere near power lines, power stations, or a poorly animated owl who lectures an equally animated bird about the danger without making any effort to stop the children who are about to be injured or killed (poor Jimmy!).

Actually, that was second.  The usual pre-movie ads and trivia were replaced with comical ones – obvious anagrams that were translated into entirely different, but related, terms (instead of Cars 3, it read Buy More Toys), fake trivia, and other entertainment.  Arriving early was a fortunate choice.

The extended episode itself was a barrel of laughs with the MST3K crew clearly enjoying themselves with a live audience.  There were a plethora of comments on the fashion choices, particularly on the Gallifreyans’ parts.  The rile of Sarah Jane Smith was reprised by Elisabeth Sladen, with a brief appearance by K-9, perplexing viewers by her ability to fall down a minuscule slope and needing a rescue from it.  Sarah Jane is far better written in future appearances.  Eventually, the Doctors pulled together and saved the day… not exactly a spoiler three decades and several regenerations later.

The real advantage to a live MST3K performance was the timeliness of the jokes, such as comparing the Tower of Rassilon to the current Dark Tower movie.  I’m hoping for a DVD or download release, so my daughter will forgive me for seeing it without her.


* It’s a relative term.