New year, old me.

I don’t make New Year’s resolutions. The concept, at least as presented in our culture, tends to be too abstract – take a look at Wikipedia’s list of popular resolutions.  They also list the results of a small (3,000 people) study: 88% of the people who study participants who set New Year’s resolutions failed to accomplish their resolutions.

Instead, I set goals, both for the year and on a weekly basis.  These are both achievable and measurable; I can definitively say when I’ve completed each one.  Of the eleven goals I set for myself last year (I didn’t post all of them here), I completed nine.  Of the two I didn’t complete, one carried over for this year and the other has been removed from the list.  Starting this year, I’ve added categories to the goals – those include personal, professional, fitness, house, and garden, among others – which I include on both the weekly and annual goals.  I have a Google Doc listing the annual goals with a spot for a completion date, and a separate one for the weekly goals.

Here are some of my 2019 goals:

  1. Test for my hapkido black belt – this is my carryover from last year.
  2. Develop a garden plan for the year – the plan is different each year, as I look at what seeds I have (leftovers or harvested from last year’s vegetables) and determine how the crops should rotate.
  3. Add a new garden bed – this is already a work in progress; I have mulch and leaves down in the appropriate area and will add dirt as we get closer to spring.  I suspect there will be strawberries planted there.
  4. Complete my next project management course – also already in progress.
  5. Organizing around the house – I actually have three different goals around organizing at home.

Do you approach the new year with goals or resolutions?