How does my back garden grow (2019 edition)?

Well, that’s an interesting question. You may recall that I mentioned some critters in my yard when I posted about the garden back in June.  As you can see from my squash plants, the critters are well fed. Their growth was stunted by having all their leaves chewed off earlier in the season; the spattering of flowers was late and did not produce any fruit.

Tiny squash plants

In fact, this is about what they looked like back in June; they’ve regrown back to this from being woodchuck food. Meanwhile, the woodchucks have discovered the bird feeder, along with the birds, squirrels, a pair of young skunks, and an opossum. We’re doing a fine job of keeping the neighborhood fed.

But that’s a bit disappointing from a gardening perspective. I recently discovered that there are hibiscus plants that are hardy enough to survive in our planting zone (5), so I decided to repurpose the back vegetable beds for some pretty flowers. Of course, this type of gardening isn’t instantaneous; in face, I don’t expect to see flowers until next year, assuming the hibiscus survive the critters and the winter. But just in case, I picked a couple different types, and hopefully we’ll have a variety of flowers.

Four potted hibiscus plants

If not… well, garden planning resets in the winter anyways.