Garden planning for 2020

I got an early start this year and accomplished one of my goals already – laying out a garden plan for the year. The work on it this year is fairly significant, because I calculated and mapped out the gardening space for square foot gardening. It’s a method I’ve been using for several years now, but this is the first time I’ve mapped the space ahead of time at this house.

Square foot gardening layouts for the garden beds and an assortment of seeds for planting

As you can see in the image, I have a decent amount of growing space – each square within a bed is a square foot, so I have 30 in the keyhole bed, and 16 each in the squares. The triangle is a bit awkward for squares, so we decided to try something different there instead of figuring out how 8.76 square feet maps out in a triangle. I ordered a kiwi plant, cute little ones that grow on vines and might survive our winters.

Except for the sunflowers, all of the seeds are allocated for an initial planting date (weather permitting, of course) in one of the beds shown above. The sunflowers will be split between the old shed area and the center of the star bed out front.

You’re probably thinking that I have way more planting area than I have seeds… and you’d be right. I decided not to start seeds indoors this year; I’ll be purchasing tomatoes, peppers, Brussels sprouts, and possibly a couple other plants locally once it’s warm enough to transplant them. That and any basic herbs that don’t come back in the star and the garden tower. The chives, mint, and cilantro always come back, and the dill probably will, but I have to see how the basil, parsley, sage, rosemary, and thyme handle the winter.

There’s snow on the ground, so it’s at least a couple months before I can even start the early seeds – radishes, carrots, peas, kale, and mustard greens. But I’m sure spring will sneak up on us faster than expected, and I’m glad I’m ready for it this year, at least when it comes to garden planning.