Filk: Little Jedi Boy

According to Wikipedia, “Filk has been defined as folk music, usually with a science fiction or fantasy theme, but this definition is not exact. So-called filkers have been known to write filk songs about a variety of topics, including tangentially related topics such as computers and cats. In addition, while the majority of filk songs are in the folk style, other styles such as blues, calypso, and even rock appear from time to time.”

I actually attended my first filk circle in 1998, the first time I went to DragonCon. And didn’t attend another one – though I did go to some filk concerts – until this past year, which of course were via Zoom. That combined with watching The Mandalorian resulted in this song, Little Jedi Boy, to the tune (not surprisingly) of Little Drummer Boy. You can listen to it here, or sing along with the lyrics (provided as an image and as text):

Little Jedi Boy lyrics with background picture
Come, they told me (pa-rum pum pum pum)
Our finest bounty here (pa-rum pum pum pum)
We’ll pay a beskar crate (pa-rum pum pum pum)
For just this one green child. (pa-rum pum pum pum)
(Rum pum pum pum, rum pum pum pum)
So to capture him (pa-rum pum pum pum) 
When we come.
Baby Jedi, (pa-rum pum pum pum)
You are too cute to kill. (pa-rum pum pum pum)
So I’ll just shoot this droid. (pa-rum pum pum pum)
But Jawas stripped my ship. (pa-rum pum pum pum)
(Rum pum pum pum, rum pum pum pum)
Now we’ll quest for them (pa-rum pum pum pum)
For their lunch. 
The baby saved me. (pa-rum pum pum pum)
Now the damn Imps have him. (pa-rum pum pum pum)
I changed my mind for him. (pa-rum pum pum pum)
I left the Guild for him. (pa-rum pum pum pum)
(Rum pum pum pum, rum pum pum pum)
Then He smiled at me (pa-rum pum pum pum)
Me and my gun.