Do you know what I know?

Just last week, I read an article on CNN’s website about TranSanta, an initiative started by actress Indya Moore to give presents to transsexual kids and young adults in need. The gifts are anonymous, selected from each person’s Target registry and sent directly to them.

Visitors can read letters on the TranSanta Instagram page, and when ready to select one, click on a link at the top of the page, then click on the letter again to access their Target registry.

The letters are a combination of heart-wrenching and heart-warming. Some showcase art by the writer, some are written by supportive parents; all are in a bad financial positive, many due to job losses from the pandemic. But stacking on top of the pandemic, so many write of unsupportive families and transphobia, homelessness, and their desperate needs in these turbulent times.

If you’re looking for a way to help this holiday season, consider sending a gift to someone on this list.